Come join me, Janice Shaughnessy, and relax while creating your newest masterpiece. Leave your worries at home and treat yourself to the experience of clay. Enjoy taking risks and exploring new ideas.
Please see the Covid Page for all the accommodations that have been implemented!
Classes are ongoing and accommodate all levels. Everyone has something to offer. We will learn from the spontaneity of the newcomer and from the expertise of the skilled potter. Classes will be a safe place for us to express ourselves. We will learn new techniques to enhance our individual styles of expression. Critiques will be held monthly. They are a time for you to share your work with others, to talk about what you discovered, to discuss what you might do again, or to consider what you may do differently next time. Welcoming creative input helps us develop confidence in our work.
Class Info
Class sessions run monthly all year long, consisting of a two hour class each week for 4 weeks and this includes 25 pounds of clay. Many students find 25 pounds to be an adequate amount; however, additional clay may be purchased. You may purchase your own bucket and tool kit from me if you would like to own your own supplies. To prevent confusion, please label your tools. Payment is required at the beginning of each month. Please make checks payable to Pottery@PhoebesBarn. If you are interested in studio time please talk to Janice.
Fees fluctuate due to the high cost of gas. For GLAZE firings I fire in a Bailey’s gas shuttle kiln to Cone 10 in a reduction atmosphere. For BISQUE oxidation firings I fire to Cone 06. Raku workshops will be offered throughout the season.
Make-up Classes
If you are unable to attend a class please contact me to make arrangements to change your class time. The make-up class must be attended before the four week session ends. There will be no refunds for missed classes.
Class Preparation
It is best to wear old comfortable clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. Keep long hair tied back and bring a towel or apron to keep yourself dry. Clay is dirty so do not plan on staying clean.
Clean Up
A clean studio makes for “Happy Potters.” But during class, getting dirty is a fun part of the artistic process. Afterwards, please clean your equipment and studio tools thoroughly and return everything to its proper place. Your personal space should be kept neat throughout class. Be careful to create as little dust as possible in the clean up process. Don’t forget to cover your work properly; this will save you much disappointment. Place your pots in the kiln room while waiting for the next firing. Make sure your pots are labeled and the bottoms are free of glaze. Anyone ending a session must collect their belongings and pots within two weeks. If this is a problem, call me and make arrangements so I don’t discard them. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Phoebes Barn has been the home to many artists over the years and I am glad you are joining me for pottery adventures. Don’t hesitate to come to me with any questions or concerns you may have. Enjoy
28′ x 28′ Studio
12’x18′ Kiln Room
7 electric wheels
7 comfortable seats that adjust
Sink with Hot & Cold water
Recessed lighting task lights
1 Pug mill
Bailey Gas Shuttle Kiln
Bailey Electric kiln
Raku Kiln
Reduction High Firing